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Department of Reproductive Endocrinology Cavazza Lab


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Bernhard Magerl

PhD Student

Bernhard focuses on the origin and downstream consequences of aneuploidy in early embryogenesis. He uses the power of Light-sheet microscopy for live imaging of fluorescent embryos in combination with machine-learning algorithms to disentangle developmental trajectories.

Bernhard studied Molecular Biotechnology at the Technical University of Munich. In his Master thesis, he worked on a new suite of genetic markers for correlative light and electron microscopy, also applicable to volume EM.

In his free time, Bernhard enjoys mountain biking on the trails around Zurich or skiing.

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Dario Filippone

Lab Technician

Dario makes our lab work like an unstoppable machine!

Dario completed an apprenticeship at ETH Zurich, gaining direct experience in molecular biology, plant biochemistry, and cell culture techniques. After the 3-year apprenticeship, he also had a supervisory role, providing guidance and training to newly hired laboratory technicians within the Canton of Zurich at ETH. Additionally, he spent some time in the field of chromosome diagnostics while working at the University of Zurich.

When he's free from lab duties, he does all sort of sports!



Ying Cai

PhD Student

Ying studies how DNA damage is regulated in the Zygote and how this affects CRISPR efficiency.

She majored in clinical medicine in Dalian Medical University. Her passion for reproduction pushed her further to study Obstetrics and gynecology in Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Her curiosity about the oocyte and embryo prompts her to pursue PhD study in our lab! 

According to Chinese zodiac, she was born in the year of Cow!




Tommaso Cavazza

Group Leader

Tommaso coordinates the lab and tries his best to keep everybody happy.

For more info on Tommaso's professional CV, click here.

Tommaso loves cycling, but lately he became very slow as he must carry his two kids in the bike trailer!